Thursday, June 6, 2013

Artist Reception

     As a student who's art has never been displayed in an art gallery, I have gained from this experience confidence in my own photography and additional people skills to present and to let lookers know why I chose for my concentration series to be of food.

     For advise to new students coming into AP Photography or Art, I advise you to not slack off on your work and do what you are supposed to do in class. Time is extremely limited and crucial in this class and will benefit you a ton if you follow directions!

     Some positive aspects that I took from AP Photography was time management, concentration, and commitment. The class is very fun and everything, but it is easy to get distracted and behind. Just do your work on time, when you are supposed to and you'll be more than fine.

    Something that could be done differently for next year and future AP Art classes is not reading directions word for word with the entire class. Yes there are sometimes when it is beneficial but others it s just a waste of time when we could be doing other work and finishing up other projects.

     While taking AP Photography this year, I learned that I am capable of taking any object and making it look either completely different or beautiful with my camera and through photo shop. I will be using photo shop a ton this summer!

     I will definitely be applying my photo-taking skills that I have learned over the summer and throughout college and my future. I now know how to take great and even excellent photos and to edit them in anyway to make it look like a million bucks!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Concentration Written Commentary

At the beginning of my concentration series I began taking photos of just food and people enjoying meals. In the process, I began to realize that many of my photos had a lot of geometry in them (shapes, circles, cylinders, etc.) without me noticing it. I thought it was a good addition to my concentration series because in the kitchen there are many different shapes of utensils that we use every day while cooking. While taking photos for my concentration series, I also decided to take more texture and more intriguing shots because it made me as a viewer more interested and of course...more hungry!

During the first week of taking photos for my blog, I started out by taking photos just around the kitchen of the food my dad and I were preparing for dinner. I did that for the first couple weeks working on my series. After, I began to take close-ups of the variety of meals we were having throughout the week to capture the rich color and texture. There was a point while working on my blog that I was having doubts on my concentration series and I decided to experiment with the idea of gymnastics. After experimenting with something different, I decided to go back to my original concentration idea because I was having more fun with it, and because my food pictures came out way better. Over the course of my concentration series, I have been using Adobe Photo shop to create diptychs and editing some photos to add more contrast and to add variety.

For my principles of design, I have been using line, geometry (shape), and texture, and repetition, rule of thirds, complementary colors, warm colors, mood and abstraction to bring out my concentration series. I didn’t notice I was using geometry until I realized that many of my photos had many shapes in them. I thought it was a very unique yet simple feature in my photos. Along with that, I used a lot of macro shots to emphasize the color and the rich detail of the food. I used a variety of warm colors for the food because food in our home is very comforting with the kitchen being the heart of our home.  

My final closing images are a few diptychs and a collage that I believe is the strongest piece in my concentration series.  I think this is the strongest photo in my series because it tells a story and also has good lighting, texture, and color. I thought this ended up being a very good concentration series idea for me because my family revolves around many different types of food, as well as the heart of our home is in our kitchen just as others homes are.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Final Blog Post

I have decided to place a black boarder to all my final photos because it created another form of unity in my concentration series. These are my final twelve concentration photos that I will submit to the College Board.





Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 5

 I have decided to stay with my original concentration theme of food and its beautiful color and texture. I took photos of a variety of foods for this week with a variety of colors. I decided to go along with my original idea because of how much I enjoy color and really because the kitchen is the number one used area in my home. We are all there for many hours at a time cooking, eating, and just having fun.
    I also noticed from the pictures I took over the past five weeks, that they all have some form of geometry in them. From this weeks photos there are many spheres, sharp curves, and various angles that take place in each photo I have taken.

Friday, March 15, 2013


This week, I tired the idea of a new concentration series to see if this would be more fitting for me. I experimented with the idea of a young gymnast and how she spends many hours practicing and perfecting her flips and tricks. I also wanted to show viewers that gymnastics isn't all pretty with natural born talent, but how it is challenging yet fun for the gymnast to do her sport with her dedication to it. I experimented with different angles, point of view, and the overall idea of how I can continue and perfect this concentration series idea if I choose to continue with it.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 3

     This week I have been experimenting with layers and diptychs in Photo Shop. So far my concentration series is still on food and how it bring family and friends together. I am having a hard time however getting family and friends incorporated in my photos, but will keep working at it. Although I am still enjoying taking photos of food, I am debating whether or not to switch my concentration series to another idea. These are ten final photos that I will pick from and include in my concentration series if I choose to continue with my food concentration idea.
    If I do end up switching concentration ideas, I am wanting to take photos and experimenting with the idea of how challenging, time consuming, and fun it is being a young gymnast.



Friday, March 1, 2013

Week Two

This week for my concentration series I continued to work with point of view, eye level, texture, and color with food. This week I took a few more pictures with people eating because my concentration series will be on how food brings family and friends together. I think that this theme is working well for me because my family and friends LOVE all types of food. I am also enjoying the warm colors that my photos present because the food I am photographing is what I feel is comfort-food. I think it fits my concentration series because food is meant for comfort and enjoyment.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

First Images a Success


      For the start of my concentration series, I began by taking pictures of some food that my dad and I made over the weekend. I experimented with angles, colors, macro, and texture so the food that I took pictures of had very rich detail and looked delicious. So far, I think the photos I took are well taken. In the future, I would like to take more pictures of my family and friends around food in stead of just my dad. The only reason I did was because no one else was home at the time my dad and I were making dinner.